What’s Worth Reading This Week?
At FSP we gather the latest reports and articles from the industry, below we have shared some recent thoughts on the economy, the financial services sector and ways to support your marketing strategy.
Is France’s approach to growing Unicorns the wrong approach?
Politicians and policymakers risk making major mistakes if their only approach to supporting entrepreneurship and young businesses is to focus on the creation of startups worth over $1bn.
Marketing Budgets should be considered by the whole business
As inflation takes its toll, marketers should get the whole business involved in the conversation about how to be smarter with budgets.
Decluttering your Marketing Strategy
Great advice from Accenture on how to refocus and support your marketing team.
A strategy for uncertain times: why now is the time to strengthen marketing activity
Our latest article considers the need not only to win over customers, but for marketing managers to convince C-suite colleagues of the need for continued investment in brand awareness as we head into a period of uncertainty. We argue the need to prioritise resilience, flexibility, the ability to pivot and re-think approaches, not to mention polishing up one’s powers of persuasion. Read our thoughts in full here…
If you have questions about your marketing strategy or want to discuss your plans, we’d be happy to. The team at Financial Services Partnership comprises a wide range of marketing experts, with skills covering development, review and execution. In fact, we’re currently doing exactly this with a range of fintech clients, who are thinking about ways to protect growth in the short- and long-term. In our experience, those who make the right preparations almost always thrive.